Sunday, January 23, 2011

Suka Makan Belut??

Khasiat belutBelut atau nama saintifiknya Monopterus albus termasuk kategori ikan dan berbentuk panjang dengan kepalanya yang bulat dan berinsang. Sungguhpun ramai yang tidak "sudi" makan belut, tetapi diakui, hidupan air tawar ini kaya dengan pelbagai khasiat.

Spesies belut mempunyai nilai pemakanan yang tinggi. Khasiatnya dikatakan setanding ikan tenggiri dan selar, mengandungi 18.6 peratus protein dan 15 peratus lemak. Belut juga kaya dengan lemak, kalsium, vitamin B, Vitamin D dan zat besi. Tidak hairanlah ramai yang percaya belut boleh membantu mengubati penyakit seperti buah pinggang, lelah, darah gemuruh, lemah tenaga batin dan penyembuhan luka pembedahan.

Dalam perubatan tradisional, belut dikatakan mampu mengubati pelbagai penyakit. Bagi pengidap buah pinggang, belut dimakan hidup-hidup ataupun dipanggang terlebih dulu. Limpa belut dipercayai mampu mengubati penyakit lelah caranya, limpa belut salai, kemudian dibakar hangus akan dimakan bersama seulas bawang putih dan serbuk halia. Selain itu amalan meminumnya reneh sup belut dikatakan mampu mengubati penyakit lelah.Sup belut juga mampu mengubati penyakit darah gemuruh dan mengatasi masalah lemah tenaga batin. Pesakit yang baru selepas pembedahan bagi menyembuhkan luka dan kesan pembedahan dengan lebih cepat.

Spesies ikan ini jika diamalkan memakannya selalu, dikatakan boleh menguatkan daya tahan tubuh, menormalkan tekanan darah, menghaluskan kulit, mencegah penyakit mata, menguatkan daya ingatan dan membantu mencegah hepatitis.

Jika anda berminat untuk mencuba,Sila hubungi :

Suhaili -012-3273742/010-7979374

Harga – 1 kg RM 15.00

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

..Wish For A Baby Boy..

There are instances where in a family becomes big for the reason that parents want to have a baby boy especially when all the siblings are girls. Some are desperate in having one that is why they are looking for ways on how to conceive a baby boy. Is there any effective way of conceiving a baby boy? Maybe you are wondering how it could be possible to determine the gender of your baby even before pregnancy. Well, because of modern technology, nothing is impossible. Some methods could help you predict the sexuality of your expected baby.

One of the highly clinically proven selection methods for determining the gender of the baby is through artificial insemination. However, this method is expensive and inconvenient but ensures to give you the gender you desire. As the method implies, you would get pregnant without having intercourse. This method includes the Ericsson method, PGD and MicroSort sperm sorting.

On the other hand, you can also use the natural selection method that you can do in your home such as the Shettles and O+12. However, this method is not yet proven effective.

Thus, if you are in doubt about the above-mentioned methods on how to conceive a baby boy, you still have another option. You can still hope to have a baby boy through some strategies associated with love making positions, right timing as well as food. In like manner, several factors could help in determining the gender of a baby. However, some of these factors are beyond your control but others can be controlled.

Some of the common factors that you can control include the food you eat, when you are having sexual intercourse and how you do it. According to studies, the food that a woman eats has something to do with the egg cells. That is why it is significant to eat foods that could help attract male sperm. Moreover, another factor that affects on how to conceive a baby boy is the timing of a sexual intercourse. The right timing to have an intercourse if you wish to have baby boy is during ovulation. In this sense, it is important to know your ovulation because the male sperm are more dominant during this period. In addition, right sexual position is also a contributing factor on how to conceive a baby boy. This means that you should use position that would allow the sperm cell to penetrate into the cervix. This is the best chance for the sperm cell to survive and fertilized the egg.

There is nothing wrong to wish for a baby boy but you should do all your best to find ways on how to conceive a baby boy. However, as we know that a baby is a gift from God that is why it is only Him who knows what gender of baby should be given to every couple. No matter what modern method you use on how to conceive a baby boy there would be less chance for you to decide the sexuality of your baby. Thus, instead of bothering yourself of the methods, what you need to do is to be grateful for the gift God has given.